You have questions, we have answers

If I want to enrol for the Cleansing Stream Seminar what do I do?

Is your church participating Cleansing Stream Ministry church? If they are, they will
have all the relevant information on the Cleansing Stream Ministries Seminar.
If not, then contact us at the national office at to see if there is a church near where you live that is running the seminar.   X Close

How do I (pastor/leader) get started to run the CS Seminar in my church?

First, on the home page click on the CSM Seminar link and review the information about the seminar, its content and how it works.
Second, on the home page click on the CSM Retreat link and review the information about the retreat.
The above will answer many frequently asked questions in detail and will greatly assist you in understanding how to begin the Seminar. Then call us at 519.679.3628 or email us and we will answer any other questions you may have and provide some additional helpful hints.
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How much of my time will the Cleansing Stream Seminar Course take up?

Most churches have weekly evening CS sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours for 9 or 10 weeks. There is also a Friday evening and Saturday retreat. The homework, optional reading material and audio CDs will take 1 to 2 hours of your time each week.  X Close

What will it cost to attend the Cleansing Stream Seminar?

The cost of the various resources for the seminar are listed on the resources page of this website. The first time you attend the seminar you will need to purchase the appropriate materials through your local church coordinator (e.g. the seminar workbook, audio CDs and books). The cost will vary since you may already have access to the CDs and books through friends who have already taken the seminar. When you attend the seminar the second time , which we do strongly encourage, there is usually no cost to attend the seminar at most churches.
There is also a cost to register at the retreat, and to travel to the location where it is held. Your local CS coordinator will know the locations and costs of the area retreat in your area by the time your seminar begins.
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What are some benefits of taking the seminar?

First of all those of us who have been involved in the ministry for several years have experienced major changes on our own lives through Cleansing Stream ministry and we see many lives miraculously changed each season. Many who have already participated in the seminar tell their story of changed lives, healed wounds, release and freedom as they experienced God’s touch throughout the seminar and the retreats.
• You will get a better understanding of who you are in Jesus, and how to walk in God’s love and acceptance. 
• You will experience the power to live in His abundant life. 
• You will learn to understand and the principles of ongoing personal healing and freedom. 
• You will feel empowered and encouraged to be all that you can be for the Lord. 
• During the Retreat you will gain freedom from generation issues and experience healing, release and wholeness.
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May we attend the seminar without attending the retreat?

Yes. However, experience has shown that Seminar participants gain far more from the teaching and practical training when these are presented in a group setting. Examples would be in a church, in a small group, or as part of a Sunday School class where there is pastoral and intercessory prayer covering. This also affords the opportunity to interact with other Christians looking to strengthen their walk with the Lord, joining in prayer and accountability.  X Close

How do I become involved as a ministry worker with Cleansing Stream?

Volunteers are essential for Cleansing Stream Ministries to succeed in its vision and mission. 
Here is what is involved…

Do the Cleansing Stream Seminar and attend the Cleansing Stream retreat as a participant. Going through these twice is recommended to solidify your personal healing and freedom before ministering to others.

Contact your Cleansing Stream Church Coordinator and register your interest in becoming part of the ministry team. Your local leadership selects those who are ready and suited for the ministry team.
If your church does not have a Discipleship team contact us at the national office at for more information to explore other possibilities.   X Close

  • A Message from our Directors

    Over 15 years ago, my wife (Susan) and I were introduced to Cleansing Stream Ministries (CSM). Since, God has used CSM to cultivate fruitfulness and long term discipleship in our own personal spiritual journey...

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  • Cleansing Stream Testimonies

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  • Have Questions?

    You have questions? We have answers! If you have questions about Cleansing Stream Ministries or are looking to start a seminar at your church, read our list of frequently asked questions. Still have questions? Feel free to contact us today.

    Read FAQs